Weedon Island

Photo by David Brodosi Weedon Island is located in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. It is located within the Weedon Island Preserve, in the northern portion of the city of St. Petersburg, on the western coast of Old Tampa Bay. Weedon Island is archaeologically significant as it serves as a type-site for the Weeden Island Culture. Here are a few photos I took while on a field trip with my son. Photo by David Brodosi Photo by David Brodosi Photo by David Brodosi Photo by David Brodosi Photos by David Brodosi David Brodosi Follow me on: Flickr - Twitter - Wordpress - brodosi.net - brodosi.us - brodosi.com - grbshop.us David Brodosi is a leader in the deployment and operation of faculty support services for Online Learning and Instructional Technology Services with proven experience in managing all phases of projects from conception to final product delivery. David manages and provides guidance on technology strategie...